onsdag 9 november 2011


I was on my way to a customer and was a bit early, i walked up from the subway and stopped for a second or two then walked along, two seconds later a car smashed the lightpost just where i was standing two seconds ago, continued to crash the stoplight and run over an old lady.

Parts from the car was flying through the air and people was screaming. With a little luck and maybe some help from the man above the lady who got run over was not badly injured...

Thats what i call a close encounter.... take care and live every day as its your last.

From Street

söndag 30 oktober 2011

Reserved parking

Strolled through Stockholms lovely "slaughterhouse" (butchers and meat) district and saw this twisted stubborn birch tree.

The area is by the way filled to the limit of beautiful decay and rust.

From Street

lördag 29 oktober 2011


When i was young some of my friends used to take the bus to a certain place to look for magic mushrooms, sometimes they found them. I think they would have ate these all day long if they knew about this place.
The whole area was filled with psilocybe semilanceata which in Sweden is classed as a narcotic substance due to the high concentration of the halucinogen psilocybin.

From Nature

torsdag 27 oktober 2011

Cant see the forest for all the trees...

I have been sick for a couple of weeks now, and believe me being sick does nothing good to your creativity.

A birch tree is being cocky and walked right up to me, all the other birch trees stayed in the background.

From Nature

torsdag 13 oktober 2011

It's getting cold here

It's getting really cold here in Sweden now, the snow is coming soon. I hope all the outcasts have somewhere to go this winter.

Shooting from the hip in strong backlight is not an easy task.

From Street

måndag 10 oktober 2011

Just another brick in the wall

Im starting to get uninspired right now, need to find something really great now. This? just another brick in the wall...

From Street

söndag 9 oktober 2011

Keep the sausage in your....

I could see, smell, hear and sense the testoseron and manlyhood from miles away. I could hear the two roadworkers inhale deep and hold their breath while tucking in their stomachs for the young lady, but they kind of got distracted when i put up my camera. I supose they did not get her number after all.

From Street

lördag 8 oktober 2011


I seem to fall back at taking pictures at persons in a tough situation in their lives, i see them as extremely appealing in a photographic way since they always tell a story just by looking at them.

This man saw me pointing the camera at him and played up a little show for me, he screamed and hissed at me while i took a picture, then he laughed and put on a very satisfied grin... he was apparently pleased with his performance!

From Street

fredag 7 oktober 2011

Posting, posting, posting....

Allright, almost a month has past since i posted the first picture. My goal is to post one picture every day and so far it's working out great. The picture is not necessarily captured that particular day, but im always aiming for it.

From Street

torsdag 6 oktober 2011

The dual accordion

We have been seeing a lot (and i literally mean hundreds) of these street musicians from the baltic regions of Europe lately. Some of them are good, some even better and some are pure torture when you hear the same tune for the sixth hour in a row.

This lady was surprised by an old man wanting to show her howto play the accordion properly, she laughed it off and continued to play her tune. I hope he did not get any of the money even though he "played" a little bit.

From Street

onsdag 5 oktober 2011

Nickels and dimes

She did'nt utter a single word, she only sat there organizing her coins into neat little piles. But her body language and the single word "peng" written on the sidewalk in front of her shouted out to me "give me a coin (peng)"... so i gave her what i had in my pockets, which happened to be 27 Swedish kronor, she immediately started reorganizing her pile of coins and i snapped off a frame and went on to work.

I later saw this woman sitting in a staircase and she was not looking to peppy, and that was probably my fault, but at least she did not steal to many things to afford her daily fix...

We have a few homeless people here in Stockholm who you see every day, you can see them doing their daily routine and you can almost set the clock after their punctuality. We don't have the same quantity of outcasts as in S.F or any other large city, but we do have a problem here as well and you can see that there are a few new outcasts, probably victims of the financially unstable climate in Europe.

From Street

tisdag 4 oktober 2011

Smoking like a moviestar

Marlon Brando, River Phoenix, Elvis Prestley and John Belushi! They all smoked as the star that they were. This old man has a more bohemian image, but damn that looks good.

From Street

söndag 2 oktober 2011

lördag 1 oktober 2011

Watch out

Walking through the parks in the autumn is lovely, except when you are being attacked by chestnuts.

From Street

fredag 30 september 2011

Oh the sun, the sweet sun

Today was one of those beautiful, wonderful and completely awesome September days. The sun was shining, it was warm, people were out strolling around the city, and still i ended up choosing a self-portrait for todays picture. Well, im a beautiful model so it's ok!

From Street

torsdag 29 september 2011

I did'nt steel it, i promise!

-"I did'nt steel it, i promise!"

The phrase reached me before i even saw the two rugged gentleman on the bench. He ensured me that he definitely did not steal "it", whatever those things are called.

From Street

onsdag 28 september 2011

Just chillin

This old gentleman was inhaling the warm rays of autumn sun, he looked at me mumbled something not very pleasant and i strolled along.

From Street

tisdag 27 september 2011

Life is good

Strolling down the streets in Stockholm does not give you much action, actually it never gives you any action at all! The city of Stockholm is just like Swedes in general are, just plain "lagom", just good enough.

From Street

måndag 26 september 2011

The city is bleeding

The city is bleeding, sometimes more obvious then others but if you look close you will see it also.

From Street

söndag 25 september 2011

Digging for gold

There is always a debate about the retirement compensation in Sweden, and it's not looking very good with the new budget that Mr.Ponytail (Anders BORG) announced last week. I sure hope that i have saved some money for my retirement.

From Street

PS. I hop that im not getting sick either, because they are not getting of easy as well. DS

lördag 24 september 2011


Watched the movie Jägarna the sequal and shot this spooky picture on Kungsgatan.

From Street

fredag 23 september 2011

Take it easy out there...

Yesterday a young woman was killed on her bicycle while riding home from work. It's always a tragedy when this happens and my thoughts are with here family and friends.

I know that many has thought about putting up ghost bikes in memory of those who gets killed in traffic, but since Stockholm does not have a very high ratio this has not yet been realised, but maybe it's time for it now.

Rest in peace dear fellowman from the street!

From Street

torsdag 22 september 2011

The airhorn

Every first monday in every month the air assault warning system is tested in Sweden, this is what they look like. I had the opportunity to get up on the roof of my house, a eight story building in the South suburbs of Stockholm, and o'boy was it a sight tonight!

From shutterlicious

onsdag 21 september 2011

Saying goodbye to summer

Today was another wet day in Stockholm and this might be the last day that mr.GB-glass is waving it's hand to people passing by. See you next summer mr.GB-glass!

From Street

tisdag 20 september 2011

It's cracking up honey!

I walked down to the Photographic Museum in Stockholm on my lunchbreak today to look at Martin Bogren's Lowlands exhibition when i saw this old couple looking at the incoming black clouds.
I heard the man say to his wife "It's cracking up honey, no problems!" I dont think that the clouds from Mordor really cracked up, but atleast it was not raining today.

Im still trying to overcome my fear of getting closer to people on the streets and actually asking them if i can take a photo of them, it's not going very well as you can see in this photo. Asking people on the streets is not the best way all the time, but for taking portraits it's a must.

From Street

måndag 19 september 2011


There they were, the lovely couple, a little bit on the unusual side but still very beautiful together. She formed her lips into the shape of a funnel and kissed him, i could'nt believe it but mr.Gårman recieved a real wet kiss!

From Street

söndag 18 september 2011

Hargshamn, the village with no trails

Hargshamn has no trails, this is because there is almost no people living here. But they do have a lot of woods, eagles, water and these beautiful leafs.

From Street

lördag 17 september 2011

Out in the woods

This old house is located just across the street from Linnéas grandmothers house in Hargshamn. It's a really scary house and you can almost hear the pain and agony screaming from the mistreated roof and walls. They should really make a horror movie here...

From Street

fredag 16 september 2011

An old amazon, with lists and chrome...

I was walking down to my favorite store Unionville in Stockholms SOFO when i noticed this beautiful old Volvo Amazon with well paginated paint, with lists and with chrome. I instantly started humming on the song "En gammal Amazon..." and snapped this picture of the old workhorse in the beautiful sunshine, it almost looked like god was bringing it home, to it's final resting place after more then 50 years in service!

From Street

torsdag 15 september 2011

onsdag 14 september 2011

Feeding the invaders...

I attended a conference at Djurgården today and decided to walk to Stockholm City to hunt for todays photo. I just kept on walking and ended up in Stockholms Old Town, there was this tourist sitting and she was feeding the invaders... errrh the doves. Well, she was really colorful and the invader... errh dove decided to flap it's wings just in time for the photo, thank you mr.invade... dove!

From Street
*NOTE. Picasa is the most worthless piece of sh*t photo service on the web, the colors are all screwed up due to their JPEG compression. Im looking at moving all pics to flickr or anything else.

tisdag 13 september 2011

Tuesday stroll through a cloudy Stockholm

I was strolling down Götgatan in Stockholm when i heard this voice, this voice was echoing through the city, this voice was roaring in competition with the ongoing roadwork, this voice was absolutely terrible! But he relly made my day and gave me this single frame. I gave the musician all change i had in my pocket and strolled on down Götgatan.

From Street

fredag 21 januari 2011

Is this really it?

Yeah, this is it. Nothing more, nothing less! This is it.

This is a blog about the beautiful details that are hidden in my world, the real world. Beautiful details captured within a second or two, this is shutterspeed art man!

The first published photo will come as soon as i catch it, then i will publish one photo per day.